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10 Marriage Preparation

Categories: Marriage Counseling

Preparing for Marriage – 10 Tools for the Journey
by William Urbine
Marriage is a big issue in our culture today. There are widespread and varying reports of divorce
statistics. The Barna Group, which studies religious groups, says that about three fourths of
married Catholics stay married, and that about a fourth have been divorced. Often, the issues in the
marriage are due to porn addiction and there needs to be individual counseling for porn issues.
Indeed, how couples learn to dialogue and relate is what marriage is all about—from its romantic
beginnings to its difficult ending, when a spouse passes away.
We all know that, as a wedding couple prepares to approach the altar, they bring with them all
the hopes, dreams, common sense, intelligence, courage, confidence and goodwill that brought
them together in the first place. But, in almost all cases, they also bring some baggage that will
be a factor, throughout their lives. In this Update we’ll take a look at some of the big issues that
any couple considering marriage should be thinking about.
Good marriage preparation challenges couples to begin looking at and exploring together the
feelings, values and ideas they cherish. These will shape the way they make lifetime decisions. A
lifetime of love will continue to uncover the good and raw stuff of a man and woman’s
characters. Yet, we know a lot in advance about what makes marriages work.
Couples can better prepare themselves for the changes in marriage by looking hard and honestly
at a number of key issues. In what follows, I’d like to offer 10 areas about which the happiest
couples communicate often. The first one, of course, is the most obvious.
1. Work on good communication.
Ask any married couple. They’ll tell you how making a real effort to talk about and work
through everyday concerns is crucial to their stability and sanity. It also builds the trust, courage
and skills that ground the spirit of love. It’s challenging some days to convince ourselves that we
have these skills.
Being able to talk over everything with your spouse (or future spouse) makes for a vital
relationship. It doesn’t matter whether the subject matter is a concern about how a family
member really upsets you or even if it is about that annoying mannerism of your fiancée. By
talking it out regularly, and patiently, you develop skills and trust to tackle more major issues
that may arise.
Often our nonverbal cues (our “body language” and voice tone) tell each other the real story
about our mood. Sometimes a spouse may have trouble letting you finish a sentence. Learn how
to read each other’s nonverbals. On the other hand, when you need to talk, make sure that your
tell your spouse. He or she can’t just guess when you need to talk.
If there is too much conflict, or if you go wildly out of control when you talk to your future
spouse, perhaps it might be time to seek help with a member of the clergy or a therapist to
discuss your concerns.
2. Learn how to fight fair.
Do you as a couple resolve issues well? Most married couples have a few standard ongoing
fights—perhaps five or so themes. They might include children, sex (or the lack of it), finances,
in-laws and hurt feelings. Every couple’s list might be slightly different, yet there are some
similarities as well. Perhaps you have already figured out what five fights you will have over the
lifetime of a marriage. Jot them down—on the margin right here. Now, try to figure out what you
can do differently in your responses to help things go more constructively.
Have you already found out that your future spouse is a night owl and you are an early morning
lark? Or vice versa? This difference can even affect your ability to have a spirited discussion
Figuring out the best time of the day to talk is very helpful. If a heated conflict should happen
during the day, it is also important that you have agreed in principle (and in practice) not to go to
bed before resolving the concern.
3. Be prepared to accept change.
It’s a mantra in our society: Life sweeps past you, changing all the time. If you want the job, you
might have to learn new technology. Marriage is similar. Talking with a 50-year-married couple
will convince you of this. The average age for marrying in our society is around 26, so there is a
lot of time for surprise and change for married couples.
Openness to trying out new things is important. It can range from going out to a new restaurant
to switching parenting roles. Watching people grow in a relationship can be exciting. You’ve
already changed some because of this new relationship.
Sometimes changes are beyond our control. We don’t ask for them. Perhaps it is a job loss with a
required relocation to a new town or maybe children with disabilities demanding your undivided
attention. We might also be overwhelmed by our work, a new career, or the changes in roles in
our relationships. Whatever these changes are, coping with them well is important. Seeking
feedback from family and friends on how you’re handling change can help.
4. Learn to accept your in-laws.
Over your lifetime chances are slim that your future spouse’s family will move in with you. But
their presence is just as real in their influence. They are the people who have shaped and formed
the one with whom you will spend your life. Do you like your future in-laws? Can you imagine
loving them? How do they compare with your own family? Whether they are quiet or loud,
touchy-feely/hugs-and-kisses or more subdued, your future spouse has been strongly shaped by
his or her family.
Sometimes your future spouse will have very similar personality traits that you have observed in
his or her family members. Can you live with these qualities or traits or do they upset you? When
we are deeply in love we can occasionally overlook how strong the past influences of our family
can come to be in our relationship. Patience and understanding, as well as honesty, are important.
5. Discuss your goals about children.
Hopefully, by now you have had some conversation about the number of children you want and
when you want to start your family. Do you want a large or small family? How do you want to
parent these children? If you haven’t had this conversation, start talking. What qualities from
your future spouse might you want to see in your own children? Children are an exciting part of
a marriage, but they are demanding and draining.
You need to decide early, ideally before marriage, how your children will be raised in your
religious faith, especially if your partner is of another faith tradition
Perhaps one or both of you bring children to the marriage. How are they adjusting to their future
stepparent, and how is your future spouse adjusting to them? Hopefully there is a comfort level
with them and a genuine acceptance on your future spouse’s part. It’s also consoling to see the
grandparents, on both sides, accepting these children.
6. Explore together the goals of your journey.
The fun is in the journey. Your marriage and family life will often take many turns and curves.
At times it will feel as if you’ve been on the biggest roller coaster in the country. This journey of
lifetime marriage has no guarantees! The vows we take also include “in good times and in bad, in
sickness and in health.” Talking about your hopes and dreams as a couple is a vital part of any
new relationship. Have you sketched them out on a small napkin, sent them via an e-mail card, or
have you sat down and talked, talked, talked? It’s surprising what you can learn from talking
things over honestly.
A major management guru, Peter Drucker, once posed the question: What do you want to be
remembered for? Sharing your answer to this question might help you get a view of the road
ahead of you as a married couple. Those lofty goals form a framework where the more practical
goals must also be worked out.
Finances are a major sticking point for most couples: Our financial desires are often unstated and
a driving force in our individual behavior. Talking frankly and regularly about financial goals is
a crucial part of a healthy marriage.
What types of jobs or careers do you all envision for yourselves? Some have dreams of making a
lot of money and retiring early; others see themselves working for the sake of work. There are
also various approaches to sharing the responsibilities of child-rearing and housekeeping and
home maintenance—and these will be deeply important in your marriage. Most people have
some assumptions about the “right” answer. Among the many possibilities, it will help to talk
about these goals—both lofty and practical—early and often.
7. Don’t let questionable values shape your marriage
Today, maybe more than ever, marriage takes an act of faith. Think about the society that you
live within. Doomsayers are suggesting that marriage, as an institution, won’t be around in 20
years. People of faith, of course, don’t buy that! Yet, too many of us have not experienced
healthy role models of marriage, whether in our families or beyond.
In your family you may or may not have seen a happy marriage. All of us have said at times that
we’re going to do it differently from our own parents or siblings’ marriages. What’s going to
make the difference?
Our Church provides us with a vision of marriage that is countercultural. Our Tradition
challenges us to live out a life in a marriage that is permanent, faithful and faith-filled, as well as
being open to children and life-giving love. Have you considered using Natural Family Planning
rather than other forms of family planning? This approach, sanctioned by the Church, provides a
way to cooperate with a woman’s natural fertility cycles in order to time pregnancies. (You can
find more information from the Couple-to-Couple League,
An openness to new life is essential for a Catholic marriage. That should be something which
both of you agree upon readily.
8. Make your marriage intimate.
Being intimate—now that can be lots of fun, you say. It’s fun to laugh and play together and
enjoy each other’s company. It’s great to be romantic. An increasing number of couples even opt
to dive right into a marriage-like relationship—living together before they’re married. If you’re
cohabiting, are you willing to stop being sexually intimate before marriage as a sign of your true
love for each other?
If you’re living together now, what will be different after you get married? Will you share your
finances together? After you say “I do,” what makes you a married couple, not just a couple
living together as roommates? Now that’s countercultural!
But there’s much more to intimacy than sleeping together. Sharing feelings, conflicts, crisis,
faith, beauty of nature, working together, sex and romance, talking about ideas that matter to us,
the many ways we have fun together—these all are a part of being married. Each of them
provides a path toward intimacy.
Select and discuss with your beloved three forms of intimacy that you see present in your
relationship now. Then select three that aren’t as important now. Talk about how you can
develop these areas in your relationship. Make a plan to act on some of your ideas that you gain
from this conversation. Caution: some couples use sex to resolve conflicts, to bypass the work of
developing friendship. Sexual intimacy can be a wonderful form of communication, but it also
can leave problems unresolved.
9. Learn to deal with land mines.
Better safe than sorry! Talking about the past can sometime be difficult. Perhaps prior boyfriends
or girlfriends have created problems for you, or there may be unresolved concerns or issues with
family members. Stepping around the land mines doesn’t mean ignoring the obvious roadblocks
in your path—they need to be dealt with at some point.
There might even be some unspoken concerns about past relationships or a previous pregnancy
loss. Perhaps friends or family take a higher priority than your relationship. Perhaps a spouse is
bringing unresolved debts (college or other loans) into the marriage. It’s crucial to get these out
on the table and discuss viable solutions that meet both partners’ needs.
The possibility of unacknowledged addictions in yourself or your intended is another land mine,
unfortunately a common one. If your spouse or intended spouse overindulges in alcohol or uses
illegal drugs, start educating yourself on appropriate limits. If either of you has ever been
arrested for driving under intoxication, or if someone you are friends with is concerned about
excessive drinking, it’s wise to make an honest assessment of alcohol use. It’s easy to be in
denial and not even realize it. What we do know is that if there is a problem today, it won’t go
away with marriage.
Then there are the lesser-known addictions just as destructive. Too much time on the Internet,
too much money spent at the off-track-betting center, an obsession with pornography: All are
signs of a problem. More accepted by society is an obsession with work. If any of these things is
negatively affecting your time together, you should name the problem and start talking it over.
One of you might even need the help of a counselor to help sort things out.
Avoidance and denial of real questions and real issues kills intimacy, trust and goodwill.
10. Make God central to your journey.
The first time you told your future spouse that you loved him or her was wonderful, and also
risky. Today, can you tell your future spouse that you love him or her unconditionally—without
reservation? God’s love for us is also unconditional—the example to us of how our love should
Indeed, openness to God working in our lives makes all the difference. Acknowledging and
sharing that God is in the middle of your lives; guiding you in the big and small changes, makes
a marriage. Feeling God’s presence in your daily lives can be very reassuring. On the other hand,
sometimes it is hard to accept that God’s ways are not always our ways. In either case, God’s
grace is a key ingredient in your finding happiness together.
Couples need to find ways to share faith and beliefs with each other, whether or not they follow
all the same rituals.
At the beginning it’s awesome—willingly and publicly standing up and telling everyone in the
congregation on your wedding day that today is only the beginning of a lifetime of loving and
that your love is unconditional. Now that’s faith, hope and love in action.
But that’s only the beginning of your journey along God’s way. Expression of your faith will
bind you together as disciples journeying together along the way. These expressions can be as
simple as praying together before meals or taking time to stand in wonder before God’s creation
on a walk or on vacation. They can be a routine involvement in the worship and activities of your
local parish. Those moments along the way are even more profound in life’s “miracle moments”
of birth, of sickness and recovery or even of death.
These are the “good times and bad, the sickness and health” that you pledge to each other. In all
of those moments, God is with you along the way, awaiting your invitation and openness. Your
openness and commitment to each other are indeed signs of God-with-us, the fullness of your
marriage sacrament

Author: Kevin Leapley

Kevin Leapley is the director of sexual addiction counseling at Front Range Counseling Center in Denver Colorado. Kevin has received specialized training by Dr. Patrick Carnes and obtained his CSAT (Certified Sexual Addiction Therapist). Kevin is also a level II EMDR counselor for treating trauma.

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